The most important question an organization can ask itself is how it will execute its mission statement. For us, the answer is best illustrated through an analogy:



(noun) a raised level surface on which people or things can stand 

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More directly, our platforms create value by facilitating an exchange of purpose and well-being between two groups. This is achieved by harnessing and creating large, scalable networks of people and resources.

The Orion Group’s organizational structure will exist as a collage of platforms, each with the goal of identifying, systematizing, enhancing, and re-deploying [ISER] the key drivers of societal well-being.

Platform Execution


Identify. A mosaic of research must be assembled from a wide range of societal inputs. Similar to the discovery process an oil company will undertake, pockets of well-being must be identified and vetted for scalability.


Systematize. Once a material source of well-being is identified, each platform will be tasked with systematically extracting and refining the resource so that it can broken down into its various components.


Enhance and Redeploy. With the raw components of well-being in hand, The Orion Group can selectively reconfigure new products of well-being for dissemination and consumption, in turn empowering individuals to pursue their highest purpose.